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Hi, My name is Mariah, and I am a proud member of the All In Youth Ministry.

To start off, I've been apart of this youth group for almost a year now, and my life couldn't be more different. Coming into the youth group I was all over the place, letting the world brainwash me with their ideas and theories of how you're supposed to live. Growing up as an only child, I honestly did whatever I wanted to, apart of that was skipping church. My mom and my Stepfather loved going to church, but we never really stayed. Something just wasn’t right with where we were, it was either the music, or the vibes that were coming off that my parents disliked, so they left. After a while they just made a habit of moving, which lead me to not wanting to participate in anything. It really didn't make any sense if we were just going to leave. However, my junior year of highschool, my mom found this church, and I felt different when each time I went. Something about the atmosphere that completely knocks me off my feet, and I wasn't that scared rebelling girl anymore. All In Youth Ministry, or what we call “All In YM” is the best youth group in the world, and that is an understatement. Not only are we surrounded by the coolest people in the state of Texas! But we have the most amazing youth pastors! Every service is better than the last, and it's really genuine. That's what I love the most about it! Real people, from real walks of life, are forever changed when they join this group! God and His works in this youth ministry has changed my life. I use to be this girl, always craving for love from anything and everything. When all along God was what I needed to fill that void, and I'm proud to say that I've found Him! Our youth pastors are the most amazing people in the world, they care about each and every one of us, and our spirituality. Without them pushing us to pray, holding us accountable, and really raising us to be world changers, we would be a group of lost teenagers. God has brought us so far in our journey, we are growing each and every day, and becoming new in the eyes of the Lord! 

- Mariah


One of our missions at All In Youth Ministries is to reach out to the imperfect teens for a perfect God! We have seen multiple teenage lives changed through Christ in a matter of months. Here are just some of their stories that you could relate to! 

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